Monday, September 7, 2009

Should we have to take a Broadband test?

Should everyone take a test if they want to have high speed internet in their homes? After reading about Twitter and FaceBook and how attacks from Zombie computers took them out/ slowed them down to snail speed. I think the broadband companies should make everyone of their users take a broadband test. What am I talking about? Let me explain.....
Anyone can buy a computer and lets face it most of the computers sold today are Windows machines. Just about everyone that buys these computers does not know how to protect themselves or if they do they are just to lazy to keep their computers up to date. You think I am wrong? Look at all the computer repair places...the Geeks at Best buy just for example. People are willing to pay $100.00's of extra dollars so these so called geeks can install the protection for them...But these people can still pay all they like for you can't buy something that will fix stupid...
What I mean by stupid is something like a popup comes on their screen and they believe it and download the file install it and now they become a part of a botnet that will be sold on the black market to either spam people or help take down a service. Nice huh?
So what believe all the broadband company should have is a broadband test...something like:

1) If a Pop Up shows up on your screen while entering a website what should you do?

A. what is a popup?

B. Panic and believe you are infected and download the file they want you to, so it may be removed.

C: Ignore it/close it

2) If you get a email telling you that you need to log in to your bank to update all your info...

A. Click on the link and update that info

B. What the heck is email?

C. Ignore it

Now I know I am just being silly but you know as well as I do how many people out there do all the wrong things. Because if everyone did do the right thing we would not have all of these virus, botnets etc....etc... So if these broadband companies did have a test and have people take the test something simple ans short everytime you wanted to use the computer it would I believe cut back on these attacks and make the internet much better for the rest of us...

No I am not saying if you do not pass the test you do not get internet I am saying we shall give you access like refer you to Netzero
Yes this is silly but we need to start either craking down on stupid or shutting them off. Please step away from the computer sir!

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